
Dolly Communication

Brought to you by

Lorraine Mitchell MCMA

Certified Life Coach working in Empowerment and Mindset   

Free Self Help for Your Mental Health

How Listening

to a Horse

Changed my Life and Could Help you Too

Let Me Show You How

Whether you suffer with anxiety, stress or depression, there are usually things you can do to help yourself.   I'd Like to show you what Dolly taught me.

Depression is a serious illness and this website is only meant to help not replace medical treatment.

If you are on medication stick with it.

This is a long journey.

This Information on this Website is Free to Everyone

I Hope it Will Help You.

Results Take Effort and Commitment

and a Willingness to Grow and Change.

Never Give Up!

My Promise to You

  • I am not here to sell you something.
  • I will never tell you to "pull yourself together", "Suck it up", "Stop feeling sorry for yourself" or "Get on with it". 
  • Because I know that is not what you need.
  • This website is designed to lead you gently from the darkness back into the light, just as Dolly did for me.
  • I want you to learn you are worthy, unique and only human. No one is perfect.
  • I want you to understand why you should love yourself and most of all why you should find and follow your heart.
  • Then I hope this website will help you find and make small changes that will make a big difference to your life.
  • Because you are special in your uniqueness and this world needs what you can contribute.


How to Get The Best From This Site

Everyone is welcome to access this website but to get benefit from it I would ask you to:

  • Stay on any medication even if you start to feel better and always speak to your doctor before making any changes.
  • Never give up. It is not how often we fall that counts as long as we get up and try again.
  • If things are too difficult go back and find smaller steps.
  • Keep returning to the life skills and learn again. We never get it all in one go. As you grow you will find more in the words.
  • Only change one thing at a time. You can come back and change things as often as you like. Trying to do too much at once will lead to confusion and burnout.
  • Enjoy the journey. Don't get annoyed when things don't work out, just come back, reread and follow the system. Changes take time.


My name is Lorraine Mitchell.

I learned Life Skills from my horse when all else had failed.

Why Listen to Me?

Well for one thing my help is free which you probably need right now. I am able to do this as I am currently my husband's full-time carer.

However that doesn't make this worthless.

You see the one thing I do have that a lot of books and psychologists don't is experience.  I have been there!

I have suffered from depression on and off all my life and I still do but now I am in control of it.

I have read self help books all my life and learned about people and later horses. 

Having been in two controlling relationships I studied and understood what made those men what they were.

I read the books that said we are not what we were made but we had choices to become who we wanted to be and I stared into the abyss of changes that I never believed I could make.

Then at the age of 46, I met my horse Dolly. I didn't believe horses were naughty. I started to look for reasons for their behaviour and as I did Dolly showed me that I was the problem.

I listened and I tried to change and after I lost her 10 years later I realised I had bridged that abyss. I was still probably only half way across but now I had a bridge.

I now understood how to make those changes and I had  a strategy to keep improving my life.

Life is never perfect it is a journey. We grow and change all the time.

Dolly taught me to be in control of my life.

We have to have direction. You don't get in a car and just drive down the road without knowing where you are going. Most of us let our lives drive us all the time and we live reacting to the bumps in the road.

I want to share with you how Dolly taught me to take control of my life one step at a time, and hopefully you can take control of yours and find your inner happiness as I have. 

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